
This integration allows Square invoice notifications to be sent via SMS. Square customer groups, including your Loyalty Customers, can also be instantly synced with corresponding Text Request groups.

What does this integration do?

All dashboards within your Text Request account can be synced with this integration once it’s live. You just need an admin level user within both Text Request and Square to set the integration up. There is no additional cost to use it.

Note: The Square integration is a one-way street for changing contact information, including opt-outs. Contact information updated in your Square account will automatically appear in Text Request, but any changes you make in Text Request will not impact your Square account.

How do you set it up?

1. Go to the Integrations section of your menu

2. Locate the Square integration box underneath the “Everyday Tools” section

3. Select “Set Up” within the Square box



4. Select “Connect to Square” on the new page that appears



5. A new window will open letting you know that you’ve granted Square access to connect with your Text Request account, and that the integration is active.

How do you enable Contact Group Sync?

This will sync your Square contacts with Text Request, and put your Square loyalty customers into a corresponding group in Text Request.

The group will automatically be called “Square Loyalty Members,” but you can change that name at any time. This group will also automatically update each night.

Customer groups will also be mapped into Text Request. The names will be preserved, and customer membership will be updated nightly.

Only contacts that already exist within Square will be synced. Any contacts' phone numbers that only exist within Text Request will need to be manually added to Square.

To activate:

1. Select “Set up” under Contact Group Sync



2. A new window will open and ask you to checkmark the dashboards you wish to sync contacts with (be sure to select “Save” once you’ve checkmarked all the dashboards you want)

3. The window will close, and a green circle will appear to let you know the set up was successful



How do you enable SMS invoice notifications?

Invoice notifications are set up by location. It does not cost to have multiple locations sending invoices.

To activate:

1. Select “Set up” next to the location you want the invoice notifications to send from (the locations listed will automatically pull from the ones within your Square account)



2. A new window will appear and ask you to select the dashboard you want the invoice notifications to send from, as well as to format how the notifications will appear (be sure to select “Save” once you finish)



3. The window will close, and a green circle will appear to let you know the set up was successful


You can repeat this process for the other locations you want notifications to send from.

How do you send SMS invoice notifications? 

Once invoice notifications are active, you can start sending them from inside Square whenever you have a new invoice to share.

Note that you have to select to share a new invoice via "email" or "manually" for the SMS notification to successfully send. 

At this time, choosing the "text message" option will NOT properly format your custom fields.

So be sure to select either "email" or "manually." 

How do you disconnect this integration?

When you no longer wish to use the integration, you can disconnect it by following these steps:

1. Go to the Integrations section of your menu

2. Locate the Square integration box underneath the “Everyday Tools” section

3. Select “Settings” within the Square box

4. Select the “Delete integration” button at the bottom of the new page that appears

5. A new window will open and ask you to confirm that you’re sure you’d like to delete the integration

Once this integration is deleted, all contact syncing and invoice notifications will stop.

You can reconnect this integration at any time by following the set up instructions above.