Reviewing Completed Peer to Peer Campaigns

A lot of data is available after you finish sending your campaigns. You can access this data in your dashboard and download it for further analysis. 

To review completed campaigns, navigate to the Completed Campaigns section of the Peer to Peer menu option, then select any completed campaign to check out all our analytics.


We offer three types of analytics you can use.

Delivery Stats: How many of your messages were sent and how many were delivered. 

User Response: A snapshot of how recipients engaged with your message. We provide a breakdown of all the responses and opt-outs your message received in contrast to how many were delivered overall. 

Sentiment Analysis: Scores all replies from 0–100. A score of 70–100 gets a positive sentiment. 40–69 is neutral, and 0–39 is a negative sentiment.

This allows you to quickly see how recipients respond to your messages and grade their impact. 


We offer two downloads at the top of the analytics section. 

Analytics Report: All three of the analytics above, but put into a PDF that you can easily share and print. 

Recipient Report: A CSV file that gives you insight into how your message fared with every recipient. You’ll find the following fields for each recipient of your message:

  • Recipient Phone Number
  • Recipient Name
  • Sent At - date and time
  • Delivery Status - delivered or undelivered
  • Delivery Error - only applicable for undelivered messages
  • Opted Out - indicates if the contact opted out after receiving your message
  • Response - see exactly what each recipient responded to your message
  • Responded At - time and date
  • Sentiment - the score a recipient’s response received
  • Click-throughs -  only applicable if links are included in the message