
Contacts within Mailchimp will sync with Text Request in real time when this integration is active.

Each email list will automatically create a corresponding Text Request group. Users can also set up autoresponses to be triggered when a contact subscribes to a Mailchimp email list.

Note: The Mailchimp integration is a one-way street for changing contact information, including opt-outs. Contact information updated in your Mailchimp account will automatically appear in Text Request, but any changes you make in Text Request will not impact your Mailchimp account.

All dashboards within your Text Request account can use this integration once it’s active. You just need an admin-level user within Text Request to set the integration up.

How do you set up this integration?

An admin-level user can activate this integration by following these steps:

1. Log in to your Mailchimp account

2. Copy the URL at the top of your login page (you’ll need it to connect your Text Request account with Mailchimp)



3. Log in to Text Request and go to the Integrations section of your menu

4. Locate the Mailchimp integration box underneath the Everyday Tools section

5. Select Set Up within the Mailchimp box



6. Enter your website URL (which was copied from Mailchimp earlier), then select Connect to Mailchimp 



7. A new window will open asking you to enter you Mailchimp login credentials



8. Select Allow to grant Text Request permission to connect to your Mailchimp account, and the integration will become active



How do you set up Contact Sync?

Activating Contact Sync will automatically put the phone numbers you’ve gathered in Mailchimp into your Text Request account. These contacts will be added into groups within Text Request that will be named after the respective email lists they belong to in Mailchimp. For example, Mailchimp contacts in an email list called “Leads” will be placed in a Text Request group called “Leads.”

The initial sync can take up to a full day to complete, but once it's completed groups will continuously update in real-time.

Note, only contacts that already exist within Mailchimp will be added. Any contacts' phone numbers that only exist within Text Request will need to be manually added to Mailchimp.

To activate Contact Sync:

1. Select Set up next to the Contact Sync feature




2. Select between syncing selected dashboards or syncing all dashboards





Choosing selected dashboards will let you check mark the specific dashboards you'd like to sync with your Mailchimp contacts. 

Choosing all dashboards will automatically sync all your existing dashboards with your Mailchimp contacts. 

If there is a duplicate contact in Mailchimp and Text Request, the Text Request contact information will be overwritten with the newly added contact’s details.

3. Select Save and Contact Sync will become active

You can turn off Contact Sync by selecting the unlink icon, and you can edit the dashboards that are currently syncing contacts by selecting the pencil icon


How do you set up Group Auto-Responses? 

When this integration feature is active, customers who list their phone number when they join your Mailchimp email list will receive a text message.

To set it up:


1. Select Set up next to the location you want to send Group Auto-Responses from



2. A new window will appear and ask you to select the dashboard you want the autoresponse to send from, as well as the amount of time you want to pass before the autoresponse sends


3. Compose the message with the desired merge fields you want to appear, as well as select any signatures or attachments you’d like to include





4. Select Save, and the autoresponse will become active



You can edit or delete these autoresponses at any time by selecting the pencil and unlink icons respectively under Group Auto-Responses.


How do you disconnect this integration?


When you no longer wish to use the integration, you can disconnect it by following these steps:


1. Go to the Integrations section of your menu

2. Locate the Mailchimp integration box underneath the Everyday Tools section

3. Select Settings within the Mailchimp box

4. Select the Delete integration button on the new page that appears




5. A new window will open asking you to confirm that you’re sure you’d like to delete the integration

Once this integration is deleted, all contact syncing and group autoresponses associated with Mailchimp will stop.

You can reconnect this integration at any time by following the set up instructions above.